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5,283 gallons of water produces 2.2 pounds of cotton. That makes about four t-shirts. (

The equivalent of one trash truck filled with clothes arrives at the landfill every second. (11.3 million tons/year) (

UNSAFE CHEMICALS are used to add various properties to our clothes (flame-, water-, stain-, or pest-resistant). Heavy metals are added to reduce color fading. Certain types of cancers, decreased fertility, weight gain, lower birth weight, increased blood pressure in pregnant woman, reduced immunity, increased cholesterol, hormonal interference, asthma, skin reactions, etc. are all linked to unsafe chemical exposure. (

Hi, I'm Shelley, Founder of INNER-REBEL. After seeing information like this day after day, it finally hit me. HARD. Why are these practices accepted as OK? Surely there are lots of passionate people out there like me who want to do something about this. I did some digging and I learned consumers DO have concern over these topics; they just don't always know where to begin or what to believe as accurate. Oh, greenwashing and healthwashing. Your days are over.

This isn't just my opinion. Lawsuits are happening. States are enacting laws. People are speaking up and want a mindful brand that is transparent and accountable. One that prioritizes health and our planet impact. 

I decided to create that brand.                     

How will I accomplish this? I'm testing every component of my clothing with internationally recognized, safety certification standards. We're talking fabric, thread, elastic, bra cups, labels... EVERYTHING. I'm going to share with you the safety, the environmental impact and the working conditions where the clothes are made. All of these topics are crucial for transparency so we'll talk about them.  

I'm not a large corporation. I'm just a person trying to eliminate guesswork when it comes to safe, sustainable clothing.

In reality, I'm looking to create an, EcoHealthy Movement. Not only do I want to advocate for us at the individual level, I aspire to generate large-scale change. That's when we can do the most good. We all deserve to be informed and feel great about what we're putting against our skin.

INNER-REBEL is here to help us transition to safe clothing, without compromising the fit, feel, or fabrics we love. We know change can be hard, but with us, you're only letting go of unsafe chemicals - and we're guessing you won't miss those much. 

A note about me: Having children wasn't in the cards for me. When I learned of unsafe chemicals and their link to infertility, I knew I had to be part of the transition to safety-tested clothing.

Thank you for reading. I hope you'll join me in this. It will be great to create something we're all proud of. 


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